-- factorizedSupremo began trolling deprivedEncore --
FS: okΔy shut the fuck up
DE: I wasn’t even~ talking.
FS:: okΔy good becΔuse Δll you need Δre those eΔrs wide open
FS:: or eyes ig
FS: becΔuse this one’s really gonnΔ blow your mind Δnd body out of proportion Δnd give you one STRONG suckin
FS:: not thΔt you’d ever know whΔt thΔt feels like but woo wee do i got something to turn thΔt virgin frown upside down todΔy
FS: you die for shit like this
DE: Okay, can you~ get to the~ point?
DE: The only thing~ I’m dying of~ is anticipation, and~ I don’t mean~ that in the~ way that I’m~ intrigued
DE: Do you have~ to give your~ edgy protagonist exposition~ to start things~ off before you~ start indoctrinating people~ into a promised~ land with your~ insufferable rhetorical schtick?
DE: You’ve become a~ one-trick pony~
DE: But to be~ honest I can’t~ rummage through my~ pasty brain to~ find a time~ when you weren’t~
DE: It feels like~ you can't go~ to sleep at~ night unless you've~ got one good~ broken promise in~ your system.
DE: And I'm honestly~ not having it~
DE: I'm tired of~ it.
DE: But spill the~ tea sis.
FS: eΔger Δs ever i see
FS: listen i'm not here for bullshit
FS: Δnd i'm sure you Δrent either
FS: did SΔ ΔlreΔdy messΔge you?
FS: i'm Δssuming they told you the importΔnt bit Δnd then dipped
FS: thΔts usuΔlly how they Δre
DE: All they told~ me was that~ you had a~ game for us~ to play.
DE: One 'bigger" than~ the ones we've~ played so far~
FS: right on the bullseye Δnd strΔight through the donkey's ΔnΔl hole
FS: this gΔme is out of this world.
FS: Δnd i meΔn thΔt literΔlly so youre just going to hΔve to trust me on this.
DE: You mean like~ in a spiritual~ dissociation kind of~ way?
DE: I've tried that~ shady shit from~ you once and~ I'm not doing~ it again.
DE: Last time I~ did that, I~ had a dream~ Keavu Reeves was~ dancing with a~ purple giraffe.
DE: I'm not gonna~ go tripping balls~ on your lucid~ dreaming tactics again~
DE: They're even more~ of a headache~ than you are~
DE: And that's really~ saying something.
DE: Kinda scary~
FS: no not like thΔt
FS: but im questioning whΔt goes on in your mind now
FS: let me Δsk you Δ better question
FS: do you believe in mΔgic
DE: Yes~
FS: reΔlly? oh boy this is gonnΔ be eΔsy then
DE: I believe in~ magic because there's~ no other conceivable~ way that you~ can be this~ insufferable and still~ alive.
FS: wow hΔrsh mΔn but thΔts not the point
FS: my point is thΔt mΔgic hΔs been everywhere since the beginning of time Δnd before mΔlΔwΔki, yes?
DE: I didn't come~ click-clacking away on~ my keyboard to~ sit down for~ a history lesson~
FS: whΔt if i told you thΔt this wΔs Δ gΔme where Δnything cΔn hΔppen.
FS: things thΔt would otherwise seem impossible Δre now expected, Δ breΔk beyond the veil of bΔsic understΔnding.
FS: im tΔlking Δbout Δ gΔme thΔts so much bigger thΔn we Δre
FS: bigger thΔn this dick
FS: bigger thΔn thΔt shrine sitting on your wΔll
DE: Then I guess~ I'll enter the~ mind-altering experience~ once it comes~ hurtling at me~ at 120 miles~ per hour leaving~ me in a~ pile of my~ own blood~
DE: I'm not dealing~ with this right~ now Roelin~
DE: Bye~
-- deprivedEncore wanted to punch factorizedSupremo in the face, but stopped himself before it was too late. --